Monday, November 1, 2010

38 newspaper articles that give you reasons why to vote
City Councilmember’s Larry Mann, Connie Trube and Deannie Barrett

These are articles printed by the Galveston County Daily News. Please feel free to check The Daily News archives to refresh your memory.

January 20, 2010 Firefighters sue to force City into talks
January 25, 2010 City OK’s deal with firefighters
February 22, 2010 City Council set to discuss City Manager’s contract
February 24, 2010 City close to agreement on firefighters contract
February 24, 2010 Mayor refuses to sign City Managers contract
February 28, 2010 Mayor asks DA to investigate councilmember’s
March 2, 2010 Attorney: Gage’s contract doesn’t follow charter
March 4, 2010 Mayor is right to question contract

March 8, 2010 Group pushes to recall three Councilmember’s
March 9, 2010 New petition drive calls for Mayor’s ouster
March 22, 2010 Mayor, Council still at odds
March 23, 2010 Over due book opens new chapter in council fight
March 29, 2010 City Council set to call special election
April 6, 2010 Petitioners have enough signatures to force recall
April 9, 2010 Third Councilmember faces recall vote
April 9, 2010 Librarian’s Job in question
April 13, 2010 DA investigates allegations of deleted records
April 14, 2010 DA: La Marque City Manager violated charter
April 23, 2010 Gage received warning for violating charter

May 10, 2010 Fight expected over Public Safety position
May 12, 2010 La Marque Police Chief new Fire Chief’s boss
May 23, 2010 Barrett: No-vote on fire contract was retaliation
May 24, 2010 Mayor wants recent vote repealed
May 24, 2010 City to stop collecting firefighters donations
May 25, 2010 Fighting leads to La Marque council walkout
June 4, 2010 City to launch probe to unmask whistleblower
June 16, 2010 La Marque fires two over campaign emails

June 27, 2010 3 suggestions to clear the air
June 29, 2010 Chapter, verses a council power
June 29, 2010 Sam, in spat with Gage; refuses to hold meeting
July 2, 2010 Municipal League didn’t tell Sam to cancel meeting
July 4, 2010 City Council factors call for retreat
July 6, 2010 Grand Jury to probe La Marque struggles
July 7, 2010 Council rancor gives way to compromise
July 12, 2010 Decisive issues back on the agenda
July 13, 2010 Divide remains but debate remains civil
August 25, 2010 Volunteer fire department announces breakup
October 20, 2010 Name that recall tune

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