Monday, November 1, 2010

Why would the Fire Chief be at odds with the City Manager and the Three Amigos?

Let’s take a look and see

Email Notice to the Mayor and City Council of his intentions to remove the Fire Marshals position from the Fire Chief to get around the collective bargaining contract?

The City Manager was notified about the possible violation of the City’s adopted fire code if he removes Chief Zacherl’s appointment as the Fire Marshal without Cause.

An appointment notice was made without answering the Fire Chiefs questions as to why he was removing his appointment as the Fire Marshal without Cause?

An email notice to the Mayor and Council of the new Fire Marshals Appointment that indicates the individual will now have two full time jobs. One as the Fire Marshal for the City of La Marque and One as the Assistant Fire Chief for the City of Stafford. That’s 80 hours a week.

But he just informed the Fire Chief that the individual would also be starting the Police Academy to obtain his TECLOSE certification.

How many hours are there in a work week???

Has council addressed or corrected the City Managers Violations?

You have to ask your self, are the Three Amigos Really Making the Right Decisions for the Citizens of La Marque???

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